Our Clients

We work with a group of diverse clientele in a variety of occupations.


We work with professionals across the U.S. via video, email, or telephone.

Whether you work in government or private industry, we are equipped to help you with career marketing strategies and coaching tools designed to help you advance in today's economy.

You are an ideal candidate for our services if you identify with any of these situations:

You dread going to work each day. The thought of facing another day in your current work environment makes you cringe. You no longer enjoy the commute, the work is tedious, or you find your co-workers annoying. You know it’s time to make a change.

Your career goals have become unclear. You’re wondering if it’s still worth the effort to make the necessary sacrifices to pursue your dreams. Sometimes you think it would be simpler to stay where you are until the “right” opportunity comes along. Maybe you are beginning to consider searching for direction on the best course to take.

It’s been years since you’ve conducted a job search. It’s not a clear cut-and-dry process anymore. A career professional working on your behalf can help you obtain and keep a competitive edge in today’s job market.

You’ve been passed over for a promotion – again. Maybe you failed to emphasize your value by making your achievements clear. Maybe you didn’t put your best foot forward because you thought it was evident that you were the best person for the job. Maybe that isn’t the right job for you after all, and it’s time to explore other options.

You would like to transfer your skills to another industry. However, you’re not sure about how to show you’re the right person for the job and need assistance in conveying your value.

You are transitioning from a military to civilian career.  An experienced career professional can help you minimize the challenge of transitioning from military to corporate speak and help you gain clarity on a career path.

Once you acknowledge where you are, you can get to your destination much quicker. If you are motivated, ready for a challenge, and willing to invest in your future, then let's get started!